French Synanim result

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Cette page est une version traduite de la page Résultat de Synanim en français et la traduction est complétée à 76 %.

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We are an organization based on collective intelligence and distributed, the knowledge of community members is multiplier and is the source of our wealth.

We want to give everyone the opportunity to discover their own resources, find the link with what animates, to live in harmony with the world around them and contribute to peace in the world.

We broadcast the process of NVC for everyone develops his awareness of himself, his relationship with others and the needs of each

We create a support system for internal and external support empathetic listening and restorative justice.

We support access to training, information at all, anywhere and adaptation to different people we meet based on their skills

We represent a change in relation to power, knowledge and money.


- To be present in the media (health, education, justice, international legal assistance) to support conflict resolution based on mutual needs.

- Establish regular consultations with different modalities (Synanim, forum ...) in order to share ideas

- Create hotlines listening and mediation support the implementation of network empathy (as such-as-aid ... empathy, youth ... house empathy) OR occur in environments existing.

- Have dissemination and international contribution, an NGO "Green Cross" global empathy CNV with a logo and a world-renowned Action

- Being a federation and not a monopoly of power, favor changing paradigms

- Being responsible values ​​and embody (sociocracy and restorative system)

- Be a space saver and innovation in the field of peace and social transformation

- Create empathy day with events, groups, visibility.

- To be present in the heart of people and broadcast locally through local mediators

- Talking to families by multiplying training for them

- Create places resources accessible to all therapies to enable paradigm shifts whatever countries

- Support micro communities, fraternities to allow dissemination of projects and support integration


- Refine the process of certification and training, support mutual inspiration trainers / certifiers in place.

- Develop and share tools created transmissions from all sides in the community.

- Open new business CNV, taking root on campuses, while maintaining VIGILANCE practices and transmissions

- Congruent and transparent financial and moral level

- Recenser et rassembler les outils pédagogiques, les productions littéraires et vidéo, les donner en libre accès

- Contribuer à la fluidité de la circulation de l'information à l'interne et à l'externe

- Multiplier les espaces de pratiques groupes, réseaux, présence dans les quartiers sensibles


- Recenser et rassembler les outils pédagogiques, les productions littéraires et vidéo, les donner en libre accès

- Contribuer à la fluidité de la circulation de l'information à l'interne et à l'externe

- Prendre comme référence le bonheur intérieur brut

- Créer des lieux ressources de relation d'aide accessibles à tous pour permettre les changements de paradigmes